Over the past few days I've had several people ask me where they can purchase my instructions. So, instead of sending you to The Chic Stand to purchase them......I thought I would make it easier & post them here on my Quilting Blog.
Photos are not included but you have a three part video available to see each step (can be purchased or seen for free on my Chic' n Scratch Live! website).
These instructions explain how to make the purse but it does not include how to use the Big Shot. If you need help with that please let me know. Once you've paid, the instructions are sent to you electronically and you'll need to open & save them on your computer within 24 hours.

You're brilliant, Angie!
I order my instructions and dvd Thursday afternoon and today Sunday 1/10, got the purse body done!! Man this is "sew" easy to do with the die to do the cutting with! I used material with dogs on it and than two other prints, one with bones and paw prints and than a poke-a-dot pattern too.
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